Our guidelines complement our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in ensuring the safety and privacy of our users. Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in a permanent ban. Please report any user who does not follow these guidelines.
Treat everyone with respect
Respect the beliefs, views, and interests of other users. No bullying, abuse or hate speech will be tolerated.
Do not impersonate someone else
Portraying yourself as another person will lead to a permanent ban. Please only upload photos of yourself.
Only upload photos you own
Please do not upload any photos or material that you don't own the rights to.
Photo guidelines:
Your face must be clearly visible
No photos with nudity or sexual content
No photos of children under 18
No violent/abusive photos
No photos of guns
No photos showing private information
No photos showing text or watermarks
No photos showing illegal activity
No solicitation
Do not attempt to sell things to other users on our platform.
No illegal activity
Any illegal activity may result in a permanent ban and being reported to the authorities.
How can I report or block someone?
You can report or block someone directly from their full profile or on the Chat Wheel. Tap the top right button to access the options.
Still have questions? Contact Us